James T & Me


The weight of books
I discovered, is
So much lighter
When love rolls fast and
Easy off the tongue.
Love still asks for time
You know?  And I know now
To unapologetically
My sweet time
With books

The feel of a
Warm and gentle hand, run
Up and down the spine
“Relaaax,” he said, with
A soothing hush
“You’re with someone 
who loves you.”

When we were new, I slept
With books in my bed,
These gifts, words sprung 
From heart-wells, kissed
With ink, delivered by hand, 
Now in stacks on
My bedside table, I did not
Rush to read them, they
Still love me, and I
Love them, too

And so I’ll remember 
him, always, by books he
Gave me, books he
Doesn’t know he’s given
Me yet—the ones that 
Will find me, books
I’ll take my time with

Lisa Ragland
Napkin Doodler, Designer, Picture-Snapper, living with my husband and WiFi in the middle of Ohio.

Voice Lessons


Snow I & II