Voice Lessons
I’ve taken to talking to myself out loud.
It didn’t used to be this way. The self-talk.
It didn’t used to be so vocal. Very heady, always.
But this voice...is new. Fills space.
I notice this self-talk
in the oddest of moments.
Like, odd, as in
ordinary moments.
That’s when it really kicks in.
Setting down the mail.
Making a right on red.
Who am I talking to?
Am I a twofer now?
I LOVE a good twofer.
Me, imaginary friend?
Me, and the void?
and voice?
Voice, partner, friend,
traveling as sound to
spaces I alone can’t reach?
“Good gawd, y’all, I’M GOIN’ TO SLEEP!”
This was the latest outburst.
9:45 last night, announced at
full volume, to a room of no one.
And then I woke up.
Knowing full well, this is only practice
for something less ordinary.